Isles of Scilly weather

The weather on Scilly dramatically changes the landscape and is probably best described as dynamic.
Below are our favourite images that show the range of conditions.

If you want to see the weather right now have a look at our WebCam.


Mid January 2025 - After a damp and foggy Christmas we've been enjoying some lovely crisp clear skies. In the winter high air pressure often brings with it amazing clarity making the mainland clearly visible from St Martin's. Once the sun has set you can see streetlights and the lighthouses that dot the West Cornwall coast. This week was particularly spectacular with the full moon rising not long after sunset and the planets literally aligning - Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn were all clearly visible in the night sky. St Martin's enjoys very little light pollution and we have a community observatory - COSMOS, tucked behind the island hall in the middle of the island. It's a great location to enjoy some spectacular star gazing.  Apologies for the lack of a good moon picture below - battery issues meant I missed the moment! 

Venus and Saturn aligned Isles of Scilly
Late sunset on St Martin's
Moon riise over West Cornwall
Moonrise over Cornwall
Mainland from daymark St Martin's Scilly
The mainland from Daymark
Sunset between the hills of Samson Isles  of Scilly
Sunset between the hills of Samson


As the visitor season finishes and boats are pulled out of the water, the scented narcissi season starts in earnest. Early autumn is usually warm and sunny but winter often arrives suddenly with an October storm.


During the winter we are very busy picking and sending scented narcissi, the traditional flower crop of the Isles of Scilly. Snow and frosts are very rare. The large amount of sea around relativity small areas of land acts a bit like a blanket.  Atlantic gales are frequent, we protect the flowers by growing them in small fields bordered by tall hedges. 


These days not many daffodils are grown commercially on Scilly but the remnants of old crops pop up all over the place in the spring.  The weather starts to warm up but you can still be caught out by a chilly blast. You never know if Easter will be a picnic on the beach or a cosy roast dinner. 


In the summer we grow and send scented pinks.  These delicately perfumed flowers are very pretty and popular with visitors wanting to send a gift home. Nowhere is as beautiful as Scilly on a sunny summer's day, turquoise sea, white sparkling beaches and long days, it never gets that crowded and it rarely gets too hot.  But storm clouds and mist can roll in, changing the weather incredibly quickly.

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