Churchtown Farm's Scilly Webcam

Iconic Scilly view

Our webcam looks due west from the farm towards Tresco, Samson and the Bishop Rock Lighthouse. It is a stunning view best enjoyed on the biggest screen possible. Scroll to the bottom of the page and sign up to receive sunset notifications.

Sunset notification email

When conditions are right the webcam sometimes captures spectacular sunsets. Sign up for notifications and you can enjoy Churchtown corner sunsets wherever you happen to be.  To do this scroll down to the very bottom of this page and fill in your details.  

Sunset times for today can be seen by clicking here.

Someone would love flowers

Go on, surprise a friend with a gorgeous gift box of flowers by post.

What can I see?

The webcam below looks towards Tresco. If you look closely in the middle of Tresco, you can see the top of Watch Hill on the island of Bryher peeking through. On the left side are the twin hills of the uninhabited island of Samson. On the right is South’ard Carn (close to Lowertown Quay and the hotel), with the island of Teän lying just beyond. Between us and Tresco are scattered some of the many tidal rocks, ‘ledges’ and sand bars which are beautiful and treacherous in equal measure. Beyond Tresco is the Atlantic Ocean and eventually America. If you look carefully at the far left side on a clear day you will see the Bishop Rock lighthouse. Obviously there isn't much to see if it is dark!

 Sunrise and sunset times can be viewed by clicking here.

Webcam viewing tips

- Roll your mouse over or tap the bottom of the webcam image to bring up the controls.

- Use the arrows icon on the right to go to full-screen mode.

- On a desktop you can capture the view with the camera icon.

- If it is raining, dark or a vehicle is in the way, sorry please come back later.

How do sunset notifications work?

Sign up using the form below. If we think conditions are right for a good sunset we will send you an email. This might be a few hours or minutes before sunset. Use the link on the email to come to this page where you can check the sunset time and work out the best time to hopefully enjoy the sunset. We say hopefully as nothing is guaranteed, rain clouds might gather unexpectedly, fog roll in or we might just make a bad call.

Sunset Email Signup

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